Very well.. Happy International Women's Day to all the beautiful ladies out there 😊
Thank you Google for the beautiful doodle dedicated to us. Thank you to the World that we were given a special date in the calendar to make this ours.
After having spent such a beautiful day, I just started wondering if we really do need to celebrate such a day. In a country where people try to see past your dupatta or stare at you in public or hell yeah.. where every morning the news reads “another minor raped in x village of x city”. Is this one day celebration by any chance giving relief to the lives lost in the battle of survival?
I don't know if we really “need” a day as Women's Day to call her special. All I want is a Country which is free of all the nuisance that it's holding. All I want is a Country that will provide justice to the gals/women who have lost/are living with the life that has been gone/spoiled. By the everyday news, things are clear that no man is scared to commit a crime as worse as rape because even he knows that he can escape from the law. I want that Country where each man with the wrong thought will have to think twice to even look up at a girl. I want that Country which will provide relief and satisfaction to the family that the girls have left behind. When sometimes even a “wrong” touch from a friend can spoil your entire day, I can put myself in the shoes of the victims who had to go through hell and then try to live back.
So no. I do not wish for any special day dedication to us Women. India we say is a land of rich culture and heritage. There was a time when girls were worshipped. And look at the state we are in now. I don't a want day where my dad needs to call me up at 9PM and confirm if I have reached home safe from work because all he knows is that we are no where safe.
For me, as long as I am respected and trusted I know I am special and I do know that for my parents, my best friends and for the people that love me I will always be special. No offense to the people who celebrated this day. But in the end do ask yourself..Are you really happy with the things that is happening around you?
They say do not cry for change. Be the change. And I'd say home is a place to start with. Learn to respect yourself first. I am not complaining but yes when I gave a second thought today I started thinking of all the souls that we have lost in the hands of hungry men. When will this fight end? When shall the day come when we don't have to think twice before stepping out of our house alone. So enough of all the ads that are praising us for being a woman. All I want is a safe place on earth to live in. Period.
Thank you Google for the beautiful doodle dedicated to us. Thank you to the World that we were given a special date in the calendar to make this ours.
After having spent such a beautiful day, I just started wondering if we really do need to celebrate such a day. In a country where people try to see past your dupatta or stare at you in public or hell yeah.. where every morning the news reads “another minor raped in x village of x city”. Is this one day celebration by any chance giving relief to the lives lost in the battle of survival?
I don't know if we really “need” a day as Women's Day to call her special. All I want is a Country which is free of all the nuisance that it's holding. All I want is a Country that will provide justice to the gals/women who have lost/are living with the life that has been gone/spoiled. By the everyday news, things are clear that no man is scared to commit a crime as worse as rape because even he knows that he can escape from the law. I want that Country where each man with the wrong thought will have to think twice to even look up at a girl. I want that Country which will provide relief and satisfaction to the family that the girls have left behind. When sometimes even a “wrong” touch from a friend can spoil your entire day, I can put myself in the shoes of the victims who had to go through hell and then try to live back.
So no. I do not wish for any special day dedication to us Women. India we say is a land of rich culture and heritage. There was a time when girls were worshipped. And look at the state we are in now. I don't a want day where my dad needs to call me up at 9PM and confirm if I have reached home safe from work because all he knows is that we are no where safe.
For me, as long as I am respected and trusted I know I am special and I do know that for my parents, my best friends and for the people that love me I will always be special. No offense to the people who celebrated this day. But in the end do ask yourself..Are you really happy with the things that is happening around you?
They say do not cry for change. Be the change. And I'd say home is a place to start with. Learn to respect yourself first. I am not complaining but yes when I gave a second thought today I started thinking of all the souls that we have lost in the hands of hungry men. When will this fight end? When shall the day come when we don't have to think twice before stepping out of our house alone. So enough of all the ads that are praising us for being a woman. All I want is a safe place on earth to live in. Period.
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